// T H E H E A R T'S O V E R F L O W //

Sometimes you go into a new situation with a specific vision in mind, and then after you've been at a while you realize what you're looking at is nothing like your original vision.

That's what happened here. 

When I started this blog I thought I would do a little bit of writing about Johnny and life as a stay-at-home-mom, and that I would also do a lot of knitting and post updates about my projects and share patterns and things of that nature. Well, almost a year has gone by. I can count on one hand the number of knitting projects I have completed since then. And this blog, well, it's turned into something different from my original vision. 

It's turned into a place where I process what's going on in my life, the fun things, and the frustrating things. It's a place where I can be honest about what it's like to be...me! A stay-at-home-mom to a sweet little boy.  A wife to an amazing, hard working man. A Catholic. A woman. A sometimes-knitter. A try-to-be-gardener. It's also a place where I can catalog memories so they don't get forgotten.  Someday when Johnny is older we'll look back and remember how we had to change 12 poopy diapers a day, along with all the sweet things he does. It's a place where I can share those memories with people I love who don't live near by. Or with those who do and, well, life is crazy and we just don't see much of each other at this junction in life.  

This had become a place where I can share the things in my heart. The overflow of my heart. 

It's different from my original vision. It's better than my original vision. And as this newer vision has come into focus it was becoming clearer everyday that I needed a new title to go with it.  And so I give you-


Naming something is kind of scary, and even if it is just a blog. A lot of time, energy, and people went into this new name.  Alex put up with a lot of brainstorming in the car on our recent road trip.  I also had input from Nell, Jacqui (who basically came up with the name) and my cousin Bethany. So a big thanks to them for putting up with lots of emails, and for the helpful feedback .

And thank you for reading, and allowing me to share my heart with you.