Beginnings: Why a Blog?

It's 9:35 at night. I'm in bed next to my sleeping three-month-old. My left arm has the pins and needles from rocking Johnny for the last 20 minutes. My husband is down stairs studying for an exam. I am super tired because Johnny woke up at 5:30 this morning.  And I am starting this blog. 

Why a blog? Is this really the best time to start a blog? When I don't even have time to shower? When I do have free time I should probably, oh you know, eat. Or sleep. 

I love being home with my baby. I'm so glad Alex and I decided to live on (basically) one income. I love getting to see all the growing and changing our baby is doing, and I love playing games with him and singing songs to him and watching him sleep. At the same time it's also nice to feel like I have participated in the adult world for a little while each day, or to get something productive or creative done, even if it's just a load of laundry or a few rows of knitting. That's why I'm starting this blog. To participate in the adult world and to do something creative and stimulating. I noticed there's a mobile app. That means I could blog while breastfeeding!

9:51. I'm done. Good night!